Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A mutumia moment ™

On Monday afternoon when I was leaving the library I had a mutumia moment ™.What is that you ask?A mutumia moment™ is when someone who has been made celibate and single by circumstance glances at a sliver of what they have been missing and are hit by longing,lust,sadness and at times shame for having such thoughts.This term was inspired by this post.
Anyway my mutumia moment was outside the lib.I had just picked up a copy of the New York Times ( but do I say ) and as I was using my powerful acolyte lateral vision to scan the headlines, I saw her.There was this chic who was bending over beside me, and no I was not looking at her ass!She was wearing this small t-shirt so the small of her back was exposed.Other then the fact that the small of a womans back as long as she ain't a whale looks pretty good it is also a very sensual spot when touched just right.Ah the memories, anyway I looked I enjoyed then as she felt that someone was looking I looked away and moved on.Oh well back to work and masomo will have to work on that situation later on.We all have out mutumia moments ™ but make sure that they are just that moments and not an excuse to slip into a porn habit
( unajijua but I will not name and shame! ).
This was a moment proudly unwittingly sponsored by Mutumia.


Anonymous said...

Ha!! Too funny. Pole about the forced celibacy.
Ok I need to stop stalking your blog now....:-)

Spidey/Tato said...

maybe word went round bout ur pre-bumpin uglies contracts hence inducing solo buddha like journeys...

Anonymous said...

@ TeeJ
Well I cant say that it really bothers me that much.Hey how about a hug for a brother.Ooooooh that feels good :D
@ Mutumia
Oh c'mere gal,lemme give you a hug.:D
@ Nick
Those documents are yet to be made public....

Milonare said...


Eyeing eyeing de goodies I see...

Be4 long you ll be sampling I tell

And am running to tell fulo ati you and Mutumia are an item...

He wont be amused at all!!!

Farmgal said...

mutumia moment-now thats a new one! I thought you were sorted si u handed contracts! LOL pole bratha

Anonymous said...

@ Milo
Hmmmm I think for now I will let my eyes enjoy only!Fulo cant do jack, my game is still tight!
@ Farmgal
Thanks for your sympathies!

Prousette said...

This particular drought needs to be sorted as it will next time lead to more complicated scenarios, and now that the water minister lost her job what to do?
Really funny