Poperah aka Oprah has opened up her $40 million Academy for girls in South Africa. Ya'll know that I am not an Oprah fan but I have to support her on this, let's hope it turns out well. Of course there are some people who were sipping on haterade when she said she didn't build such a school for inner city kids because,
“I became so frustrated with visiting inner-city schools [in the U.S.]. If you ask the kids what they want or need, they will say an iPod or some sneakers. In South Africa, they don’t ask for money or toys. They ask for uniforms so they can go to school.”
I am not going to play the race card here, but more often than not inner city is just another word for black. Also as a whole the States isn't faring that well when it comes to appreciation of education. High School drop out rates for both black and white students across America have hit record highs in the last few years. When compared to students from other countries, American students rank rather low especially in the Arts and Sciences.
In my opinion if there are some American kids who won't go to school when it's free, I think that Oprah may as well build schools in places where kids want to go to school but have no schools to go to or can't afford to.
Moving on I have read time and again people railing against the eurocentric hairdos women rock nowadays specifically weaves (and of course we men get blamed for that). I was looking through the BBC website and I came across the picture below.

Frankly since I came to the states I can hardly recall the last time I saw a well done creative braid centred hairstyle. A few women here (very few) sport natural hair or braided hair, otherwise it is weave city galore! I have do admit that some of these weaves look good but the idea that the girl may be flossing with someone elses hair and the fact that underneath that weave her hair has been so messed up that it could be worse than mine really bring me back to earth with a thud.
So you ladies out there who are rocking the braids, natural locks or even no hair you have a supporter! Keep on keeping it real!
Now onto the first bastards of the year. The bitches at www.4shared.com, these muppets decided to delete my online storage account without telling me. So now most links I have to music or documents on this blog are dead. I think if they had a problem with anything on my account they should have told me.
Good thing that I don't trust free stuff especially since that website looked kind of shify and I had set up 2 accounts elsewhere and backed things up on dvd.
ps: I am reading a book on writing. I have found out how hard it is to try and learn the mechanics of something you do by reflex and instinct. There are so many rules and procedures when it comes to writing that I didn't know existed!