In Breaking News, The Special One has left Stamford Bridge! For non soccer fans, Jose Mourinho has left (been sacked) as Chelsea's manager after a lack lustre start to the season that has led to poor attendance of games. Is this the beginning of the end for the Billion dollar team? Grant? Who the hell is he? What say you Chelski fans out there, Archer, Farmgal, anyone?
Anyway moving onto more serious matters. One day a few months back when Acolyte was at his hey day and the talk of the blogosphere (Kenyan at least) he received an interesting e-mail from someone who wanted him to post something on his blog.
This individual had an issue of national importance regarding a former high ranking civil servant who was presently sitting on one of the many useless inquiries in Kenya. He had sent his story to several media outlets with no action whatsoever. It seems that the daughter of this former civil servant after being flown out to the UK by her father had turned to a life of prostitution and even moved down to Australia where she continued the trade under the guise of working as a masseuse. The dude even went on to catalogue the number of men he says she told him she had slept with. The sheer zeal with which he was hounding me to post the story made me think twice especially when he copy pasted me what he had sent the Kenyan police and ODM (Joe's favourite political party).
I did do my own research and it seemed that the girl in question was quite a looker, what made her opt for the second oldest trade in the world (toolmaking is the oldest), I don't know. According to my snitch, he thought that the civil servant had no business sitting on a commission because his daughters actions could be used to compromise him. It is when he revealed that he once lent her money and he got it back but after a bit of a struggle since she was "quite a bit of work" as he put it and to add icing on the cake they were f*ck buddies. That is what put it in between must know and malice territory.
You see in Kenya we don't live like we do in the West, we know our leaders are tainted but we take them as we are. I'm sure we are all aware of a former Vice President's wife's dalliances that resulted in her giving birth to a mixed race child and him fainting in the hospital, the industrial/media mogul who is known to bed young girls and men occasionally, the female MP who is prim and proper in public but has the morals of an alley cat. Most of our leaders are as clean as a whore's panties at the end of the month so that extra piece of information wouldn't have been of any use as compared to financial statements that show how much money the former civil servant stole from the government. Or what say you purveyors of truth out there, was this must know or malicious information? Anyway I have a 3 day weekend so comment away!
Quote Of The Day
Birmingham chairman David Gold claims Premier League fans are being treated like "mushrooms" by greedy chairmen. He believes they are "kept in the dark and fed manure". (The Sun)