Thursday, February 12, 2009


Mr Man Bag himself tagged me. So here goes


1. My Health - I'm not a gym buff or a health nut but I do like to take care of myself. So I don't eat junk food, go to the gym 4-5 times a week, drink alcohol once a week or less, don't use sugar, don't cook/eat red meat at home, take vitamin supplements, avoid canned foods, love fresh fruit and try to sleep at least 7 hours daily. But other than that I'm just like the rest of you.

2. Sci-fi/fantasy - I'm a certified nerd, my life just doesn't feel complete if I'm not indulging in any of the two at any given time.

3. News/Information - I love to know what's happening in the world and I love to learn. So it's nothing weird for me to read like 5 plus new sites every morning.

4. Black/African Empowerment - I think that there is so much better and further we can do as a people. So I feel strongly about issues that affect us directly.


1. Kumeharibika

2. Hmph - This is not a word per se but I use it when I chat online quite a bit.

3. Conyo - This is a spanish swear word

4. Kubaff - This one never grows old


1. Go sky diving - The experience of just being so far up in the sky is life changing to say the least.

2. To Choke Someone Out like in the vid below

Yes I'm a psycho, so sue me!

3. To take a year off everyday life and just travel the exotic parts of the world - The hum drum of everyday life terrifies me, and I would like to get out and about before I am boxed in with a marriage, mortgage and kids (shivers).

4. To do something that would earn me short term fame - Yes I'd like to enjoy the good life that comes with being famous and recognized just for a short time and then go back to being everyday me before it gets boring or goes to my head.


1. Hurting People Hurt People - The more baggage and hurt someone is carrying from the past, the more likely the are to bring drama to your life. Call me harsh but I give such people a wide berth esp when it comes to relationships.

2. Common Sense Is Not Common - I look at the things that people do all the time, and this becomes clearer and clearer everyday.

3. If A Woman Asks You If She Is Hot Just Say Yes - Do not give an honest answer or attempt to rationalize the answer. Say Yes and smile, it shall save you alot of trouble.

4. Sex Just Isn't Worth The Trouble It Brings - Through my general observations and personal experiences, sex just brings too much drama to the table. Whether you are in a relationship or not, it just brings too many issues, abstinence is just so much more appealing.

There, I'm done!

I also came across this interesting meme that I decided to fill in. One word answers only!

1. Where is your cell phone? Desk

2. Your significant other? None

3. Your hair? long

4. Your mother? busy

5. Your father? deceased

6. Your favorite? fruit

7. Your dream last night? forgot

8. Your favorite drink? juice

9. Your dream/goal? Peace

10. What room you are in? Office

11. Your hobby? Internet

12. Your fear? Failure

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? successful

14. Where were you last night? Home

15. Something that you are not? Patient

16. Muffins? Nah

17. Wish list item? Money

18. Where you grew up? Nairobi

19. Last thing you did? Eat

20. What are you wearing? Skechers

21. Your TV? Dusty

22. Your pets? Imaginery

23. Friends? Few

24. Your life? Complicated

25. Your mood? Mellow

26. Missing someone? Nah

27. Car? Dirty

28. Something you're not wearing? Vest

29. Your favorite store? Publix

30. Your favorite color? black

33. When is the last time you laughed? Morning

34. Last time you cried? Eons

35. Who will resend this? Hmmmmmm

36. One place that I go to over and over? Bathroom

37. One person who texts me regularly? Pal

38. My favorite place to eat? Couch

39. My favorite food? Cantonese

I'm sharing them both with Gish, Sunnykay and Bomseh. Regular blogging shall resume soon!