Just hit 250 posts!There are few things in my life that I have committed to as long to as this blog usually I lose interest or use and move on.So that means that there must be something good coming from this blog even though I have to say more often then not I blog for myself as oppossed to many of you who are more altruistic in nature.
Anyway I went to the graduation bash of the cousin of the chic who is the room-mate of my aunt/sis
(don't ask it's a long story).As usual I was the token something and in this case the token non Kaleo man but it wasn't so bad as Kaleos are more welcoming then our friends from the slopes when it comes to gatherings out here so it was alright.So I got to meet the proud graduate,everyone else and listen to one of the guys that I knew there wax long about politics and expound on some very flawed theories about human nature
(yes they were flawed coz I could see the chasms in his train of thought) but I was not in the mood to correct him and since it was winter his huffing was warming the room.
Anyway as this was going on it seems that the sis of the graduand had her eye on me but I thought it was just the routine eye.So the guest of honor suggests that we get pics so I was cool with that me,my sis,niece and the rest pose take like 3 pics then the chic's sis insists on getting one with me and my sis and since she is in the middle insists that we put our hands around her waist and as that was happening behind the scenes she pushed my hand rather close to her ass.But I will admit that us men can be rather dim when it comes to taking cues so I dismissed it.
Since my niece had to be in school early the next day we had to leave so as we walk out the door and we say our good byes.Shortly she pops out and as we are walking away starts talking to her sis (btw:sound carries very far over a quiet winter night!) and asks her how I am connected to my sis as she knew her before.Anyway she insists on walking us to our ride even though we tell her coz of the cold she can spare herself.Then asks my sis "so when are you guys coming back?" all the while looking at me.Of course we gave the usual token answers then she hugs us all goodbye with my hug being a little extended not that I am complaining with the cold and all.Of course when we drove off I was dissed endlessly about my new crusher
(no allusions to pain this is the one who has the crush), I hadn't brought it up and leaving it to the gals as they are much sharper at reading these cues then us jamaas.Many a man has thought he is a crushee
(object of a crush) only to have his ego crushed!
Anyway the chic was not bad looking but on the other hand I wasn't drawn to her.She was what we used to say as "just there".What came to me is that why is it so rarely that the kind of people we find as hot or attractive have crushes on us?Why is it usually the kind of people whom more often then not see as friend material or on the extreme side as whack?Is this the universe's way of playing a joke on us?
Song of the morning:Common feat Mary J Blige - Come close to me