The Acolyte duels Keguro on a beach
What would happen is that my comment would be like the medieval slap to the face with a glove, following which my antagonist would be aware that the time to duel has come.We would set a date and after sharpening our best katana we would then meet in the field of battle.Of course we would both get wounded, battered and bruised but at the end of the day new things would be learned and techniques would be assesed, improved or discarded.
On the other hand there are some other people (who will remain unnamed) who would see comments against their widely and wildly accept opinion as a total affront to them.So what would happen is that some of them would circle their wagons and shut The Acolyte out from their comments section by any means available and others would lash out with all the rage and strenght that they can muster.When that happens The Acolyte can only resort to his alter ego.

Be it night....

or day!The Acolyte is always ready!
What would start out as a tiff would turn into a heated pitched battle with in some cases collateral damage.Luckily no blogger has suffered any fatal injuries

The Acolyte saves an innocent baby blogger from the fallout of his last blog war
As the red mist would descend on the offended blogger.Often the arguement would shift from being about the issues at hand and instead people's parentage would come into question (someone would be called a bastard), manhood would be put into question, levels of intelligence would be querried, people would be likened to canines (both male and female) and other epithets so harsh that they can't even be sanitised would be expressed.The Acolyte would of course give a good account of himself in the field of battle but so would the other party; making The Acolyte quote one of the manliest men ever...Maximus Decimus "A people should know when they are conquered!"

The Acolyte's opponent gives a good account of herself in battle
Some opponents can be so tenacious that what would result is that the blog-battlefield would be left in ruins.Sometimes The Acolyte would experience a phyrric victory in the cause of battle by turning into one of the very same monsters he abhors greatly.

"Is this really a victory?"The Acolyte asks himself
As a result he would then be forced to fly around the blogosphere to fix the impact of what initially started as a simple battle of wills and metamorphosised into all out war

The Acolyte looks for survivors and the injured from the last blog war as he rebuilds the the section of the blogosphere that was ravaged by his raw power.
With time The Acolyte has grown wiser and instead of hurling himself into battle will instead watch matter unfold and then fly off into the stars....

The Acolyte observes, learns and leaves
So to you bloggers out there who I may have clashed with.It's nothing personal that's who I am and that's what I do.I am not attacking you, just questioning the opinion you have put forth.If you don't see it that way and choose to attack me instead.The nearest phone booth isn't far away.So let's all be friends who can agree to disagree!Happy Easter all!