I saw this on a forum and it brought back so many memories so for the 3rd time round we are going to have a FLASHBACK!!!!

Do ya'll remember Saber Rider and the Star Sherrifs?A classic!

Dogtanian, when I look at him now I realise that he was a butt ugly mutt!

This cat couldn't talk but he made my day!

Zippy in the foreground ruled!When he talked too much his mouth would be zipped up!Wonder if there is a version for wives?

Teddy ruxpin, I really did not like this cartoon much.

Button Moon 'nuff said!

We had a smurfing time with this and if you were not a fan, smurf the smurf up!

What I find interesting about the Gobots is that someone sat down and decided hmmmmm.I think that I will call the leader Leader 1!Oh and I will name the helicopter, Copter!No wonder the Transformers ran you out of town.

Yeah!!!!Optimus Prime rules!

Gummi bears....

due to great public demand here's fraggle rock!

It's the muppets!Anyone out there remember the theme song?Remember how sumthin weird would always happen at the end when gonzo blew his horn?

nick and company fire up the printer and pull out your color pencils!!This one is for you!!!!

For those of us who were not uptown this is what we had to make use of in school!

This is what the uptown folk used for math!

Hero fountain pen ya'll!
This list could go on and on but I think I will leave it at this for the time being.