Who are the chicas in the picture I know is the first thing that you are asking? Well, I'm not going to spill names so I'll just say those are some of our wonderful sisters out here in the good ole U.S of A. The mama on the left looks pretty nice other than the ill advised blue contact lenses. It's the chic on the right that I have to comment about, first of all when you are a "round" mama the best way to go is always with earth tones (correct me if I'm wrong fashion gurus); but that top makes that chic look like a big smartie/ ball gum. I do like her bangle though, it reminds me of those nice ones that were free with a jar of Solea when we were kids. But you know what, I'm not going to talk trash about the tattoos on her thigh that look more like ketchup stains. I'm not going to say anything about her eye shadow too, oh nooooooo. Anyway I know some people out there are getting heated, so here is a solution that will work best for the both of us; kill yourself! Bwehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this is the kind of problem that record companies have in the West, I wonder what kind of problems they have in the third world. Honestly when was the last time one of you in Kenya bought an original cd, no Kenyan music doesnt count since it is made locally and is most probably cheaper; and no the cds you buy in the exhibitions are not original, I would have thought the badly scanned covers would have tipped you off.
I think that Alfred Mutua needs to go to China so he can learn how to do this, at least if you are going to lie to people and talk trash be good at it, that's my opinion.
This post was much longer, but Windows Vista decided that I didn't need it so it crashed Mozilla for me. It also sucks how some old software (if 5 years is old), always crashes on vista or causes your computer to restart. Anyway I know there are some computer gurus out there, so I'll consult them on these fixes, so sorry less post for ya'll. Time to get back to real life................