Damn I have a baby headache!You know a headache that has not grown up so is not as painful as a kawa headache.Some tests are coming up so I have to be hitting the books in style at this point in time and I have a prestentation come Monday.I have also decided to go cold turkey from blogs this weekend no visiting or blogging mpaka Monday so I have today and tommorrow to enjoy.
Here is a bad joke from a blog hater:
Blogebrity - This is for everyone who can blog.Take a blogger who is a chef and you have a BLEF!A blogger who is a dentist....BENTIST.A female blogger with an itch?yes you guessed it a BITCH!
-I can send you the link if you want to see him beat down on bloggers but he also rants about lots of other stuff. Anyway got to visit a site that had clips of Red Korna ( the show that was formerly known as Redykyulass ) so it was good to see some comedy from back home even though I was smiling alone in the lib like I had lost it.
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago