It's been a minute and a half since I blogged, this just isn't right......
Anyway the birthday month is here so I'm going to post a bit more than I have been posting usually. The birthday month is usually a melancholic one for me because I'm not a birthday person in the usual ways. The day for me is a best spent on meditation of the past and future. Appreciating the good fortune I have had in the past, ruing the mistakes I have made, seeing where I am versus where I should be (which isn't always a good thing). So anyway this is where a spanner is thrown in the works, you see my chic wants to go all out and is planning a fun day out for me. So obviously there is no way I am opting out of it without there being alot of drama so I just have to suck it up and go with the flow. I know I sound ungrateful but I have never been big on birthdays, what is worse is that I have never been big on gifts. Not that I dislike all gifts, I do like simple gifts like an interesting book, a gift card, a lunch treat. But the way people go all out here in the West never sits well with me, it creates a sense of obligation and one upmanship in most cases. I have known many people out here who have neglected paying bills during the holiday season so that they can get gifts for friends and family.
The longer I live in the land of ME and MINE the more that I realize that people out here exist in life ran by wants rather than needs, of course a time comes when satisfying the wants of the past interferes with the ability to meet your needs in the future. This is supposed to be one of the most progressive countries in the World economically but when you look at the prospects for most young people here (me included) you just shake your head. By the time most people graduate college here they are carrying a ridiculous amount of debt, and with the recession higher skills are needed so of course people are going back to school to get ever more debt. The worst thing is that student loans are guaranteed to the lenders by the government, so just like taxes you will have to pay them back no matter what! The depressing thing is that even as tuition and book costs rise year after year nobody out here is protesting in the streets unlike in Britain and other European countries. Sadly like the matrix most people here are born into the system and are comfortable with it so when you try bringing it up they look at you with wide eyes like you are speaking gibberish.
Not to say that I am immune to the system, I have to be honest and say that I spend an inordinate amount of my free time on the internet and I need to do something about it. I remember years ago doing lots of other stuff that didn't include the internet and I need to go back to that way of living and implement the good stuff I find on here in the outside world. We are all part of the system but the thing that matters is whether you are going to use it or if it is going to use you. I have made many interesting observations by watching people here and my failed attempts at trying to share my opinions and "enlightenment", please note the brackets because to most of the people I spoke to I was either talking trash or hypocrisy of the highest levels. That reminds me, I was on facebook and a chic I knew in college was getting married, in true Kenyan style she invited everyone to her church ceremony and didn't hesitate to comment, "I can't wait to become mrs". I guess the social perks and few legal perks for her are a great thing but anyway let me not get into how I have known married women looking down on their single friends, that's a post for another day.
Here's to a great Monday............