I hate how people you communicate with on the internet are nowhere near as interesting in real life.
I hate my job.
I hate the people I work for
I hate the state of the economy.
I hate dealing with stupid entitled individuals at work.
I hate people who think a few extra letters at the end of their name makes them think they are better than everyone else.
I hate people who hear but don't understand.
I hate people who just can't shut the f*ck up!
I hate people who can't see the bigger picture.
I hate having to pay bills, they just don't stop!
I hate that the print media is slowly dying.
I hate needy people.
I hate having to pay so much for fresh fruits and vegetables.
I hate that nobody is owning up to playing a major role in the recession.
I hate that color aside leaders everywhere look out for themselves and not the little people.
I hate the fact that I'm so apathetic nowadays..................
That feels so much better
Regular programming shall resume shortly