Anyway what I did is that I printed out a nice detailed bill that had all the extra items down and after my exam I gave it to my room mate telling him that he had some pay per view items to pay for.He agreed that he had ordered them and wrote me a check.So that's that!But it got me to thinking that I should in a few months opt out of cable and instead buy a nice comp and get a net connection.Thanks to torrents I can get all the TV programs I want to watch online and watch them when I want in addition to all the other goodies I can get online.
By the way speaking of Bible verses is it just me or has there been a major increase in the number of Christian blogs in KBW?Or do the christian members just post a whole lot more now?
Anyway I was thinking of clubbing last night and this interesting incident came to mind.A good pal of mine had come back to Kenya for summer hols.So you know how when peeps go back home for summer they save up,buy new clad and put their best foot forward.So my pal and the boys are at this small gathering and we are socialising with the masses.So there is this mama who gets wind of the fact that my pal has come from stato and she expresses an unatural amount of interest in that information and tries her best to get into his good graces.But as things would have it there was alot happening so she couldn't have him for herself (plus the boys had to run interference our pints were not going to be jacked!).
So the next day my pal tells us that we should go to Carni for Soul.Seeing as the pints were free could I refuse?Hell naw!So we get there and enjoy a great night of catching pints,tall tales and flirting with the ladies.On our way out who does my pal run into?Yes the gal from the night gathering.First of all it was a Soul that had low attendance and the time for omba team had come.That was the term me and my pals used to have for the time in the night where the heng is coming to a close and dudes throw caution to the wind and try to woo any female in the club so that they don't have to quench their lust themselves.So back to the story, there was some dude who was trying to get with this mama and it seemed that he had made quite an effort.But when my pal showed up the dude was dismissed chap chap!He was told, "I had such a great time!Si I'll call you this week?" and then he was given a peck on the cheek.The dude looked at my pal with a look of disgust since his game had been well scuttled.The chic then turned to my pal gave him a big chesty hug and said, "Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!Why didn't you tell me you were coming for Soul?It's so good to see you!Si you buy me a cocktail?" In fact it was more of a declaration then a question.My pal tried to get a word in but this was one of those gals who talks at 100 mph so you can't get a word in, seeing the expression on his face I knew something was afoot.Since it was a slow night it seemed that a waiter had been waiting on her and he came running to take her order.At that point in time my pal leans over and tells me that there is no way he is buying that mama a cocktail plus after treating all of us to pints, the cash he has left he is saving for kuku porno aka known as somersaulting chicken and fries.So at that point mission codename scatter ws put in action.My pal told the chic that he was going to the gents while I suggested to the pals that I would buy them a last round at the bar.So as walked to the bar I showed them the lay of the land and they assumed their roles.Let's just say we blended into a crowd exiting the joint pretty well and who do we meet outside?Yes, my pal!Seems he hadn't lost the ninja skills that used to come in handy of sneaking out of the local when there's a black out and you want to enjoy free pints on KPLC's tab.So we were off to enjoy some kuku porno (naked chicken!)

Move aside KFC!Kenchic rocks that house!Pick courtesy of Kikuyumoja
Nothing used to beat fries at Millenium or Topaz after the rave!I don't condone my pal's actions but all measures should be employed to protect a man's kuku porn be it force or deception ( I know some of you have some objections so go ahead and share them!) .Oh and as things would have it we ran into that chic at electric avenue (that's what we used to call the line of Westlands that had Crooked Q's, Q stakes, J Kays and I forgot what the other joint was called when that street used to kick ass!).Damn I miss clubbing back home!If daggers could kill we would have been dead after the way she looked at us!
Now to finish my article reviews for my portfolio for my politics in Africa course which contained very little politics but was one of the most fun courses I have ever done in this uni!More about that next time!