"No-one ever told me!"
This is one phrase that makes my blood boil at times. There are things that in my world I have thought are ordinary knowledge only to find that some people are blissfully ignorant?
Here is an example, I had a friend who told me that they never watch video on youtube because the videos never flow smoothly but always stop, I asked them if they ever waited for the video to finish buffering before pressing the play button; all I got was a blank look.
There was this other pal I used to hang out with. We once had a bash and I left some beer in her fridge, this girl doesnt drink beer so I knew my beer was in safe hands. So one afternoon I go over to her house to pick up the beers and I find one missing, so I asked her what happened. She told me that she was feeling thirsty, drank half a beer and then poured the rest down the sink. Now if you know Kenyan men, you know that you don't mess with our beer! So I asked her why she was drinking beer when she was thirsty and told her beer is a diuretic and will actually do more harm than good. She looked at me like she had learned the earth was round, when I told her that the dehydrating nature of alcohol was on of the reasons for hangovers, I got the wonderful statement....."No-one ever told me!"
I am sorry, how can you be drinking for 4 years of uni and one of grad school and not bother to find out what alcohol does to your body?!
Last but not least was this chic who thought that I had made up the existance of pubic lice aka crabs. And no I was not sleeping with her!
Maybe it's me who just expects too much from people in terms of everday knowledge, I think people reserve the right to be clueless and I shouldn't let it bother me!
Is it me or does Jon B look like Artur Magaryan? Look at the picture of him on the Thursday Standard and look at this pic, take some hair off Jon B and they look like they were separated at birth I tell you! Sorry Movie Buff but I had to say it!

Late Edit! I found a pic of him!

Have an Armenian free weekend people!
This is one phrase that makes my blood boil at times. There are things that in my world I have thought are ordinary knowledge only to find that some people are blissfully ignorant?
Here is an example, I had a friend who told me that they never watch video on youtube because the videos never flow smoothly but always stop, I asked them if they ever waited for the video to finish buffering before pressing the play button; all I got was a blank look.
There was this other pal I used to hang out with. We once had a bash and I left some beer in her fridge, this girl doesnt drink beer so I knew my beer was in safe hands. So one afternoon I go over to her house to pick up the beers and I find one missing, so I asked her what happened. She told me that she was feeling thirsty, drank half a beer and then poured the rest down the sink. Now if you know Kenyan men, you know that you don't mess with our beer! So I asked her why she was drinking beer when she was thirsty and told her beer is a diuretic and will actually do more harm than good. She looked at me like she had learned the earth was round, when I told her that the dehydrating nature of alcohol was on of the reasons for hangovers, I got the wonderful statement....."No-one ever told me!"
I am sorry, how can you be drinking for 4 years of uni and one of grad school and not bother to find out what alcohol does to your body?!
Last but not least was this chic who thought that I had made up the existance of pubic lice aka crabs. And no I was not sleeping with her!
Maybe it's me who just expects too much from people in terms of everday knowledge, I think people reserve the right to be clueless and I shouldn't let it bother me!
Is it me or does Jon B look like Artur Magaryan? Look at the picture of him on the Thursday Standard and look at this pic, take some hair off Jon B and they look like they were separated at birth I tell you! Sorry Movie Buff but I had to say it!

Late Edit! I found a pic of him!

Have an Armenian free weekend people!