I'm listening to Johny Gill - Rub You The Right Way as I post this.Damn those were the days!When music was music!When people could really sing, dance and the women in the videos kept their clothes on!I was watching VH1 soul yesterday and some newjack videos like early Mary J Blige feat Grand Puba came on and I was mentioning that and she said that she waiting for me to start talking about when men were gentlemen, women were ladies and children respected their elders.Yes I know things weren't that good way back when but a brother is allowed to look at the past with rose tinted shades isn't he?
In the annals of the Great Acolyte mind one of the laws is that, The Acolyte shall never argue with a woman in the kitchen. I read this article and it just pointed out why The Acolyte has such a law.I don't know if the poor dude started baiting the woman in the kitchen but I am not a french fry waiting to be fried.If it wasnt the oil it could have been a kitchen knife.I think this is where the addage of never going to sleep angry comes in.This pal let his wife go to be angry, I bet she sat in bed, her wrath heating up until she decided that her hubby had to be baptised in hot oil!Come to think of it after God and electricity hot oil has been on my list of this to be feared!
Then a teen decided to go the opposite way.He decided to pop a cap in his mother's ass and then put her in the freezer to cool off.I wonder if he took out the food in the freezer?It would have been a shame for all that good food to go to waste!Why are the perpatrators in these stories always reffered to as quiet and well behaved?Does that mean that noisy disorderly peeps are too cowardly to do anything?
Are there any men of class out there?I used to dress casual most of the time in Kenya but when I had to dress for the occasion or an interview I always thought that what a man wore said alot about himself.I am not going to go into detail but there are two companies whose shirts I loved.Arrow and Van Heusen!When I used to go to open air markets I would scour bails for them.I would get some for less than a dollar. I had a job where my boss used to admire my shirts and wonder where I bought them and how I could afford them because these shirts would cost upwards from one thousand shillings in many men's clothing stores.There are somewhat cheaper here but I am only going to start buying them when I am going to get a job because I do find it somewhat pretentious to dress like a baller when you have cents in your pocket.But on the other hand there are some people who talk about faking it till you make it......
I was listening to the news on Capital and it seems that MYWO (Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organisation) risk dissolution if they don't have elections for officials. A large number of areas are unrepresented due to wrangles and during this wrangling some of their property was sold irregularly.Now I am going ruffle some feathers, Women in Kenya have been making calls for increased representation in National leadership and how they can do a better job but I ask this.If you can't manage your own bedroom how do expect to run the house?If this bickering has resulted in their not being elections since 2004 what would happen on a National level.Talk to me ladies, I'm listening......
Interesting fact of the day.If you are wearing anything that has a zipper 90% probability the zipper says YKK.That is the biggest zipper company in the world and seem to have the market.Damn it's amazing how rich people can get out of simple things!I wouldn't mind a piece of that action!Any TGIF!Let's have a comment bash before ya'll bounce for the weekend!
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago