I have been meaning to share this weeks and I think this is a great way to end the week!
You've got to love the satirical nature of the video, so much so for the fact that Alanis has no lady lumps forever. Sad thing is that listening to those lyrics makes you notice how crappy music has become nowadays, I guess that is why since I stepped of the plane I have never bought even one cd released in the new millennium despite being inundated by offers from Columbia House and all the other CD warehouse clubs. Anyway the world is going to hell in a hand basket and in typical Acolyte fashion I will be taking a nap as that happens.
Before I leave I have to ask a question, why do many Kenyan entrepreneurs/ establishments take any form of criticism as a personal attack? Furthermore why do so many businesses have the attitude of "if you don't like it, you can take your business elsewhere!" I don't know if that has changed though from when I was last in Kenya. But this came to me when I was at Kenyaimagine and pointed out various shortcomings in a publication by the entrepreneur who was being feted by the writer doing his profile. And unlike what most of you think, the observations and criticisms that I made were all directed at making the paper give more bang for the buck (okay the paper is free but you know what I'm saying). But in typical Kenyan fashion one person more or less said, if you don't like the paper don't read it! Another good example is Kenyan music, whenever someone becomes too critical of Kenya music they are called a hater even if they do have credible points. When it comes to Kenyan music I do agree that Rome wasn't built in a day but we on the other hand have given Kenyan musicians too much leeway to become complascent. Anyone who has been to a Kenyan concert out here can tell you, case in point Kleptomaniax last outing. There are Kenyans musicians who give great live shows ie Abbi, Kayamba Afrika etc. I am sure they got alot of criticism when they started out and used it to become better artistes and performers. Remember not all criticism is aimed to destroy, some of it is actually meant to build!
PS: Can someone out there please post the P.O box and telephone number of Co-op bank University Way branch for me in the comments? I have a bank account to ressurect and yes, I was one of those dudes you saw in the winding line waiting to use the ATM. Thanks!
Nice weekend people!
Quote of the Day
"Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships."
Sharon Stone
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago