Anyhow I was chatting to a chic I used to work with and she is what you would call a chaste church chick (Nick 2005).The kind of gal you could take home to meet mummy.We used to go to the same church in my churchgoing days and she would teach Sunday school in addition to being on the intercession team.This gal is so modest that she always wears skirts (no jeans) even when she goes for tennis lessons she wears a tracksuit no short tennis skirts for her.She is also pro family (likes kids),plays by the "rules" when it comes to courtship,hardworking (she's on her phd now) and is anti premarital sex.So when I was chatting to her and we came to how she has realised that to many jamaas she is good wife material but bad girlfriend material (if you arent a church jamaa that is).This is because this gal doesnt do many things that the kawa jamaa enjoys doing with his boys and some gals such as catching pints,smoking,watching EPL/NFL,listening to secular music (she loves gospel mpaka her sis used to sing on sing and shine!),discussing (we men don't gossip!) and other stuff that is so kawa for us.Most of us men don't mind dating and catching strokes with chics who drink like fishes,swear like sailors and dress like hoes ( okay not that extreme but you know what I'm getting at ).Men love to date kinda risque,exciting women but when it comes to settling down most of us will opt for a gal who looks nuturing,responsible,family oriented and can take care of our home.By the way this reminds me of a story, There is this pal of our crew; he was like 2 years ahead of us in high school.Now this jamaa went on the rave and met this chic.Very fly,outgoing,enjoyed her pints and was the life of the party.So what could have been a one night stand or CFA turned into a relationship and despite warnings ( PSAs coz u can never doubt the mind misting abilities of good shag ) the pal went ahead and married the chic.So dude thinks that now that they are married they can settle down at digs and club less?Wapi!This chic used to leave the dude food in the oven as she has gone to club/bar hope with her single mamas to add insult to injury this mama was doing a McJob (job that doesnt have upward prospects and brings in minimum wage) and had no intention of working on that.Raha and fun had to come first.So later down the line a kid comes into the equation.So one day I was with the boys in one the many Westlands bars catching pints and the chic is still there life of the party with some jamaa darting her (wedding ring not withstanding ) when we see the hubby come in, they had a blazing row and it seems the chic had left the kid who was only a few months old at home alone.The hubby caused and she told him "When you hooked up with me you knew I was a chic of the clubs!Did you think I would stop because we are married?!"At that point we shook our heads and a word of wisdom came from my pal who was mostly known for hard hitting tackles on the rugby pitch,"When I get married I am going to hook up with a chic of Kanisa!" to which we all agreed as we continued drinking, or as one of my pals said "What is found in the rave stays on the rave!".I will give my own personal opinion I been with chics who are the bomb to hang out with.good strokes,storo etc but they don't have a hope in hell when it comes to long term prospects.Some of them had no plans past next month while I have a 5 year plan,have the housekeeping skills of a four year old boy,will serve you 3 burnt offerings in the name of breakfast/lunch/dinner,have illegitimate brats (yes I'm going there!),have emotional baggage,too much drama coz of too many past boyfriends,act like money burns a hole in their pocket so are always broke and expect you to fix it; And there are women who have all these problems as one person (sheesh).Men can over look all many of those qualities in the short term!!We dont mind having you as our short term if you have mileage and some of these issues but we don't want them in the LONG TERM!!!This is not to say that you will not find a triple C who has some of these problems but all in all most of them carry less.And yes many men me included are ready to sacrifice Kama Sutra strokes for what some of those triple Cs bring coz after all you spend very little time in bed but lots of time living with the person so you dont want all those other issues cropping up.Yes this rule is not ironclad because there are good girlfriends who make good wives and and vice versa. -Grenade #1-As for jamaas hoeing around and expecting their chics to be chaste, what we expect is for a select number of you to hoe around as much as possible and then for the rest of you to be chaste so we can settle down in peace.Please refrain from profanity as you disregard and protest the hypothesis above!
Grenade #2 "Let the games begin!!!!"-Instigator dons breastplate of superciliousness,helmet of erudition and grabs sword of resolution-Let's begin the weekend on a fun note shall we!