Credit sucks!You can't get much done here unless you have it.You can't get cable, utilities, cell-phone, landline, get a car from a dealership, enjoy certain offers, shop on most websites among other things. Seeing as I'm a simple African for me credit=debt. I hate being in debt!I remember how it used to feel when you've borrowed money from someone and you dont have it and are reduced to sneaking around and making pathetic excuses ie there's this deal I am waiting to come through. Add to this the fact that when you are in debt to someone you are in their power. That's why bank managers are so smug as they know how many people's souls they own!
What I dislike is that every business here in the States tries to lock you into some sort of contract or the other. Some will offer you dirt cheap gym membership, a free phone, cheap CDs/DVDs, frequent flier miles, cheap magazines etc; but the catch is that you have to sign up with them for a year or more.I have vowed that I will only have contracts for neccesary things like a lease, cell phone, medical insurance, car insurance and AA. The Acolyte likes to roam free and doesn't want to answer his phone to find out that it's Bill (pun intended) calling from the Collection Agency X as I have lagged behind on my credit card bills. I try to keep things simple, I buy what I need as opposed to what I want first and that's how I keep out of trouble.But it also helps to live in the bundus, I mean the place where I could spend the most money here is Walmart!
When I was leaving Kenya credit cards had just come into vogue and I was least concerned. A debit card worked just fine for me then as it works now. I heard that debit cards are coming back in as Kenyans have seen how destructive credit cards can be and would rather the devil that they know in the form of debit then the angel they don't.
By the way, I got a post paid phone here without a credit history at all in my second month here. Usually you have to put down a deposit because according to those kubaffs bad credit is better then no credit!So a week later T-mobile send me a letter saying that they can't hook me up as I have no credit history but I already had the handset and phone number!So two weeks down the line they realised that no-one can get in the way of the Acolyte and sent me a welcome package (O.K I got lucky I admit it!).So other then rent my cell phone is my other regular expense. That's me, I try to keep my life as simple as possible.
Anyway seems these bloodsuckers don't waste time!Less then a year here and it has come!Yes I have just received my first credit card offer in the mail.Seems these idiots don't know who they're dealing with.......