This dude was on his own level, a wig to match his pitch!
His dress sense was very interesting, I wonder if he improved his look for subsequent shows? And then when he goes in to hug the Chic judge did you see the side eye given by the judge on the right? It was the, "don't even think about it dude!" look. The dude on the left had his hands up and was like "No!"
But what made my day was 1:28 how the two dudes ran into each others arms like lovers who had been torn apart for ages! But they're best friends or "best friends" so it's understandable; and to think I thought there was nothing good on African Reality tv.
Sometimes it's amazing how somethings make it past all the eyes in the marketing department. Case in point the toy below.

I was reading a complaint in the Nation about how Banks in Kenya chain down their 40/= bic biros to the counter. What I would like to know is when a bic biro hit 40 shillings?! Damn!
Anyway have you ever watched a horror movie that is so badly made that it's more of a comedy? This is one that I watched recently, no wonder it went straight to dvd.
Anyway that's the little I have to share with ya'll today. Hasta manyana!
Pop Idols is hilarious. Is it me, or was the 'blonde' guy gay? I don't see why anyone would want to make a fool of him/herself on international TV, and even go as far as crying when rejected.
Yeah, biros are 40bob, those fine point nice ones. The ordinary bic is 20 bob.
You see that guy with the dreads...he is a very good friend of...of...a very good friend of mine, so if you can vote for him make sure you do, she constantly reminds me to vote for him.
Wow, that dude had decided that day, that shock value was a must.......
From what I hear, it is now cheaper day to day for me to live in Oz, than it is to live in Kenya....that's scary, very scary.
As for the dude with the wig, if you want any proof that blindly following Westernization can lead to in point.
Have a fantastic week bwana, c u on da IM......
i am so not touching that first clip. :-) i love the shows for the comedy and seeing how no talent hacks believe that they can actually sing, queue for hours and then be totally unimpressive.
haha too much comedy! aki this made my day!
I love the wig ... kwani its how peeps didn't notice his bellbottom jeans ... All the chap needed was some stilettos and he would have been Kenya's own Mariah Carey!
"its a soprano, you know so i have t0 look a soprano" haha !!
lol, its coz nick cannon is in that stupid movie thats why...he is a joke!
Sijui niseme. That Samuel Njuguna is one ugly woman with an equally ugly weave/wig (sijui what that fake blonde hair is called). Embarassing Men kabisa. Duh!
LMAO at the guy with the wig. wah. I would buy him a pint if i saw him coz he made my day
woiyee..the guy in the wig ..ati the wig is there to match his voice???LOL
I am just wondering kwani the guy with a leso scarf has not left for the States?he was on CNN last week and the story was that gay guys in Kenya are not safe thus him leaving the country for a much safer place..sasa naona he is even trying for Idols...Im also not too sure the other dude who bebas him in a huge hug is not also a back shot jamaa...
Dude you beat me to it...wantee to post the links to idols...haha i had a good laugh!!!
Great post thank youu
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