Monday, February 13, 2006

Saint Auxentios Day - Commemorated February 14

Seeing as I think that Valentine's day is a load of crap I have decided to spend that day in a more holistic way.Also, I don't have the or tolerance for the sham and commerical slaughter of men's wallets and well being that is Valentine's day.This excerpt is from one of my all time number one blogs!:
February 14th is the Eastern Orthodox Church's holiday of Saint Auxentios Of The Mountain (pronounced "Aw-zeen-ti-os").

In case you don't want to celebrate Valentine's Day and give some woman compliments and gifts so as to earn her approval, placate her ego and give her something to show off with as she plays a game of who got the biggest,best, shiniest gift with her girlfriends

You can say you are celebrating Saint Auxentios Day.

Here is some background info on him:

"The Monk Auxentios, by origin a Syrian, served at the court of the emperor Theodosius the Younger (418-450). He was known as a virtuous, learned and wise man, and he was moreover a friend of many of the pious men of his era.

Distressed by worldly vanity, Saint Auxentios accepted the dignity of presbyter, and then received monastic tonsure. Setting off after this to Bithynia, he found a solitary place on Mount Oxus, not far from Chalcedon, and there he began the life of an hermit. (This mountain was afterwards called Auxentian). The place of the saint's efforts was stumbled upon by shepherds, seeking after lost sheep. They spread the news about him, and people began to come to him for healing. With the Name of God, Saint Auxentios healed many of the sick and the infirm.

In the year 451 Saint Auxentios was invited to the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon, where he became known as a denouncer of the Eutykhian and Nestorian heresies. He was greatly familiar with Holy Scripture, and Saint Auxentios easily bested those opponents who entered into dispute with him. After the finish of the Council, Saint Auxentios returned again to his solitary cell on the mountain. By means of spiritual sight he saw the end of Saint Simeon the Pillar-Dweller (459), from over a great distance.

The Monk Auxentios himself died in about the year 470, leaving behind him disciples and many monasteries constructed in the Bithynian region."

Happy Saint Auxentios Day KBW!!!


Anonymous said...

nye nye nye nye nye nye Nick, Milo, Keguro et al --- me is first... happy St. Auxentios day--- (lakini I still want some shiny happy gifts)

Acolyte said...

@ Mutumia
I see you dont waste time coz that post isnt even 30 mins old!My dear you wouldn't be of the fairer gender if you didn't want any shiny gifts!Hope you get some!

Anonymous said...

LOL@ aco telling mutumia that he hopes she gets some - over to you muts.

I am second -dont care for people who comment twice or others who reply to comment...

Aco - is there an unwritten rule that only men can buy women presents and dinners and flowers on valentine's day, or any other day for that matter - if so, I didnt attend that class...

Having said that.... well, I agree with you on the commercialisation of it and would rather just spend the day in and get some (everyday that is, not just valentine's)

Happy St. Auxentios day to you too :)

Anonymous said...

@ Guess
Well 90% of the gifts bought over Vals are by men.We men on the other hand love our women with or without gifts.It's good that you aren't part of the conspiracy.I'm off to meditate on the Saint's teachings....

CiikuMrsBabes said...

I think Vals is a sham as well Aco...... and now, I shall sit back and see how many relationships end because some man forgot to buy a gift or even worse, bought a bad gift.... te he he......

Anonymous said...

@ Movie buff
Good to see that I am not the only enlightened soul around here!Yes the fallout from this day shall be wonderful to behold!

Anonymous said...

@ Keguro
In that case I think that you would really enjoy looking at my back.I may not have the mass that I want but I do have very good muscle definition.Also I liked the cogs and gears that are shown in his arm coz they remind me of what was put in me during my upgrade to V2.0.......

Prousette said...

I only need useful gifts and most shiny things are not that.
Happy St Auxentios Day everyone,as well as Valentines if that is the only Saint you know...
The best gift I can give is myself.

Anonymous said...

damn! how come i am never here first!

anywhoo, Val's day is just like any other day for me really. lakini shuma on the day wouldnt hurt to make it perfect...;)

Anonymous said...

@ prou
You're so precious!
@ Mocha
I guess some ppl come faster then others!Well as for shuma pick me up at Gatwick 9.00 pm your time!

Bee said...

All the talk about vals pre the day itself have caused me to burn out. oh well, happy st auxentios day

Milonare said...

Woi woi woi

Yani guys are discussing rasas on display and degrees of turgidity?? LOLOLOL

Aco na Keguro wacheni...

As for Mutumia *shaking head in disapproval* This requires 36 questions!!! Githongo tapes need to be brought into play to establish how you got here 1st, twice kwanza!!!

Vals ikae!!!

Acolyte said...

@ Kenyangal
Thank you!Hope things have settled down now!
@ Milo
My last upgrade rendered me assexual so sexual preference issues mean nothing to me.Also I am like a high class stripper, you can look but don't touch....

Anonymous said...

@ Keguro
Firstly I am no longer skinny, I am the perfect weight for my height at the moment.Also I may not have gotten your attention but I have gotten attention from others.Yeah, I know you prefer thick men!
Second depends on whose looking at the muscle in question.