Oh my God!If my boyfriend was one of them I would laugh him out of the house!
Today I want to tell you a short story......
John's girlfriend calls it a pathetic habit.She thinks it's the preserve of men who can't integrate in society, people with too much free time, people who have mental problems and no lives at all, freaks she calls them.Whenever she launches into her tirade about it John pretends to empathise, nods his head and laughs at her sardonic jokes.But deep in his heart he has always been one of them but does just enough to look,sound and act like everyone else.When he sees them in the mall or at the store he ignores their conversations even though deep inside he wants to join in and share his passion.When he sees the adverts on television he forces himself to look away or changes the channel so fast that his girlfriend doesn't know what is going on.
John waits for when he knows his girlfriend has left for work or gone to her friends' houses so he can indulge himself.He makes sure that the doors are locked and then he goes into the closet in the spare room.He keeps it hidden deep behind the old clothes and magazines that he knows his girlfriend wont bother with.He takes it out of it's box and stares at it longingly while running his had over its smooth curves.He plugs it into a power outlet and as it warms up he reaches down touches his joystick, feels it vibrating with anticipation and then he smiles to himself.
Yes it's exactly what you thought!John is video gamer on the down low if that is not what you thought then you need to get your mind out of the gutter!
ps:I must give compliments to msanii for the inspiration that led to this post even though thanks to him and Akiey I have no work to show in terms of the term papers I was supposed to by doing after sitting on a comp for two hours in the dead of the night!
Numero uno perhaps?
Azandeni dena zana zana...
Wacha wewe...
Almost thought... Then again, KBW is full of gutter minded folk (except me of course - LOL)
Why lie while I can do it standing!?
I thought he was going for a dildo!
@ Milo
@ six months....
I knew I had to bust some of ya'll!
I'm I still missing in your books?
Wacha madharau Aco...
@ milo
gonna change that today!
there is an organization called "girlfriends against videogames" in some uni's ... needless to say they have my support! i don't remember the website but google it if you have time.
i won't even tell you what i was thinking when i started reading - tsk, tsk. i'm ashamed at myself, lol
@ spicebear
Dont hate on the games babe!As for what you were thinking you should be ashamed of yourself!
yeah right we are talkin about video games! hee hee hee.
ha 6 months and still standing more like it-ha ha haha
dude, you sound like you would be in the "boyfriends against girlfriends against video games" (yes it exists, don't ask me how i know such things but in my defence they were featured on cnn) and as for what i was/am thinking, i'm ashamed but you led us on! shindwe pepe colourless etc etc
@ nick
I keep my posts clean unlike guess and mutumia!
@ spicebear
dont get me wrong, gaming is fun but should never take more then one hour of your day.Same goes for TV too!But here ppl dont know about moderation at all!
@ strawberries
Now who would spread such a rumour about me?!I am behind in my papers and ashamed!
He he serial gamer on the d/l and not ashamed to admit it.
lol aco i thought you were focused on the papers? what happened you too IT out?(the console you perverts)
@ gamer
now after ya'll derailed me jana I did jack!It's going to be a long day for me!
Did someone mention my name - I keep my post clean - but not my mind, and definitely not anyone elses. YOu all love being in the gutter with me, admit it.
I kinda knew this post wasnt gutterised, somehow it cant have been that obvious- well, I see gutter where there is none, and none where there is loads - dont blame me
@ Guess
I'm a gutter free brother!I guess the way the post was so open should have given sumthin away!
Missed the gutter kabisa I was thinking ...beer. Do not even think of asking?
Can't stand the damn games, so you better do like John before I come back to the house.
@ prou
tsk tsk....don't hate the game, hate the playa!
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