Things have been way to serious in this joint with all the drama that has been going on in Kenya so I thought it was time for us to loosen up. The side eye the girl below gave George Bush made my day! I bet there are loads of people who feel the same way about this dude as she does, oh feel free to caption the pic!
I was reading this post, and it really summed up my opinion about the mungiki. The government officials who are arming them and helping them all with the misguided aim of avenging the wrongs against the Kikuyu seem not to know what fire they are playing with.
I also noticed lately that a favourite forum of Kenyans, Mashada is on hiatus. It seems it was getting waaaaaaaaaaay too taxing to moderate the hate speech that was going on on that site. Mashada was already a handful before this who election situation began, so I can only imagine the bile that was being written there. What I have noticed is that when people are behind a key board they feel that they are free to express any opinion, no matter how incendiary it is. There is a blogger who has been doing this with wreckless abandon and much as I do respect her freedom of speech, I do wonder if she would say any of those things in person because sooner rather than later she would be treated to a blanket party.
Anyway before we get to the grind here is another funny picture I wanted to share. It seems that Tara Reid's slimming program didn't have the effect she wanted it to have weighing from the expression on that man's face.
Anyway for those back home if you have anything stories of anything positive going on amongst the drama and negativity by all means please share. We shouldn't wallow in hate and depression, nothing good shall come of it at the end of the day. Have a nice Monday all......
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago
That top pic is priceless! "dude, foul stinking breathing...all up in my face...move before i go meadieval on yo ass!!"
the second pic..ouch! is that a fake tan? nasty!
sad about mashada...hopefully it shall be back soon, had to be shut down for a while as it was becoming quite a handful. it had been suspended by the owners and later reopened but seems the lil gremlins would not let up.
Mashada was the worst...after the election i just never went there. I knew it would be horrible, Depressing....
The clintons = Scum...
@ aegeus
That lil gal made my day I tell you! Those trolls dont let up I tell you, it'll take sometime for mashada to come back.
@ msanii
Yes sadly Mashada brought out the lowest common denominator in most people.
Dude, you just pre-empted a post that I'm currently working on. I've read a lot of very ugly, hateful stuff on the net over the last month. Mashada took the cake, but that vibe was everywhere, and it still continues now. People have taken full advantage of anonymity and the free speech one is accorded by owning a blog to write this crap. Surprising thing is that many of those behind the hate speech are very educated people, which is what surprises me most coz you'd expect so much more from them!
People have too much free time on their hands, and I wonder how many have taken the time (or made the effort) to go out and see the conditions in which the internally displaced live, speak to some of them and listen to tales of their horrific experiences, donate cash, blankets, food and other materials and blood.
I believe in less politicking and more action! If everyone could do their little bit towards alleviating the suffering of our fellow countrymen, instead of payukapayukaing aimlessly, then we'd get somewhere!
LOL @ blanket party! I know of a few deserving individuals.
Post right on point.
LMAO! Ok the very first photo is funny....If looks could kill..
@ archer
By all means go ahead and do the post, I love reading the same thing from diff points of view!
Yes this situation has brought out many people's true colors, I too have been disappointed by many that I previously had a high opinion of too.
I think we need more action than talk too!
@ bomseh
@ miss e
That was a classic pic!
Ditto like it 'We shouldn't wallow in hate and depression, nothing good shall come of it at the end of the day. The first pic its cracking.
I found Mashada unbelievable. It seems that there was moderation there once upon a time.
Today I learned what a blanket party is, and I can read behind the lines.LMAO.
Love your first pic, her instinct tells her who Bush is,lol.
Kids always know and im sure she smelled him from far and up close (read halitosis)
Tara; very painful to look at. Her stomach must think her throat has been cut off. lol
archer is so on amazing how people are taking advantage of the anonymity to spew whatever filth they have in brewing heads.fortunately or unfortunately i work for an organisation that had to help the displaced...what i have seen i'll never forget and neither will this victims.
what began as a rumour in some places bore serious damage.its so easy to blog from the comfort of a computer maybe with a glass of juice next to them instead of doing something to help.
the question i ask this people have they contributed to helping anyone who was caught up in the trouble either by money,food,volunteering or even prayers? am guesing no.
such people should revisit thier reason for being on God green earth.noone is better than the next we are all equal in Gods eyes and we should also leave revenge to the guy upstairs coz he asked us to......
that toi pricesless! like she saying *b**** please :)
lol...u also saw that bush pic, i did a post of that...and my caption is al;wasy "Bitch, please!"
personally i use to visit mashada znd i found it offensive long before this election ish....
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