The bumming days are here! Let me enjoy them before January checks in and I have to get off my ass.
On Saturday night I went out with my sis and 3 of her pals to a lounge in ATL. I don't go out to clubs all that much because of the sheer dregs of humanity you encountered. I met two exemplary cases. The other 2 guys we were with had dread locks, yes not locs like me; in fact there were quite a few people with locks and dread locks at that joint. We were kidding that maybe it was somewhere in the small print of the invite. Anyway this tipsy white dude starts making small talk with the two dudes, he at one point told them that they look like Milli Vanilli. He further on went to say that he doesn't talk to black people often but he's not scared of them or anything (sounds like the I have black friends defense if you ask me), I knew those two dudes were nice because they didn't call him out or anything. I think God has a plan for me because he never sends such idiots my way, I would have called him out real soon, real fast! But on the plus he did buy us Yeager Bombs. His pal was another piece of work! One of the dudes we were with has a thing for asian chics (yes, the black man - asian woman connection). So he says how hot he finds them and the other white dude goes on to say how much he loves them and how shagging them makes him feel like he has a big dick. Needless to say I was like free drinks be damned! I walked away. If these are the idiots I am going to meet in clubs, let me chill at digs or go for bashes with people who can handle their drink and keep their bigoted opinions to themselves.
Moving on! It's official! My days in the 'ville are now over! I am now a refugee until I get my own place. No more books, lectures and papers to write. In some way it is anti-climatic. I guess it will only hit me when I walk in May, that I am done. I got an A in another class to balance out my C in Quantitative Analysis, so the grades are safe! All in all, it wasnt that bad. I want to thank all of you who gave me encouragement when I was sick and tired of the whole school gig, my friends, family and last but not least; the big Guy upstairs! Now life moves on and I joint the adult world (shivers).
Happy Monday All!
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago
Ha! I'm first! Now I know what the others are usually on about...heheh. Wacha I do a jig first then come comment
Congratulations on the A and the being done with school. Welcome to the real world, where the real education actually begins!
About the geezers, sometimes you listen to these kinda people so that you have stories to tell your kids about why they must not be stupid when they grow up.
Those are true "dregs of humanity" (I like that description). Clearly you have a cool temper - those dudes are just plain ignorant.
And congrats - shivers is true. "We'll" be watching you stammer through interviews and job applications for entertainment. Shiver away...bwehehehehe!
Its a pity they kicked u out of KBW or something like that... How many poor souls miss your musings...
Peace out bro...
Do let me know when u r in Nai... and I will try and connect up if & when I am in Atl...
Hey... u shud go meet up with that Zain gal at CNN...
Congratulations and Good Luck.
Im having one hell of a monday. I stress on the HELL
I'm digging the description "sheer dregs of humanity." Once the drink loosens people's tongues, you get to really know what's on their minds. Funny thing is many don't realize how biased and bigoted they are. As for that black friends defense, I've heard it too many times! Such b.s.
Enjoy the time off this holiday and all the best with your move.
Congratulations are in order and all the best with the next step.
It takes all types to make the world we have here.
Poor tipsy white dude did not have any topic for conversation...
Congratulations seeing that alot has happened while i was away. Parties, the characters in these things LOL. wEnjoy the bumming while it lasts. happy holidays
Congrats on the A. Dudes like the one you mention kweli are not worth spending time with! Welcome to the big bad world!
Congrats! Now to more important issues. Like when are you coming home? Kenchic's on me.
Just ask Archer. (If he's recovered from our "meeting," that is. Ha!)
Congratulations on the A! you swot box you! Enjoy your holidays and don't let non-entities bother you!
After school..come back home men! Come xperience the art of KTN..i mean Kenya Network of i heard some guys saying!
A toast to your achievement.
Happy Holidays!
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