Last night I went to a lounge/club with my sister and her pals.I usually don't do clubs at all but seeing as it was Spring break and it would be quite sometime till they see me again I decided to bite the bullet.The place we went to was really laid back and the crowd wasn't too large.I think they had all gone to Savannah for the St Patrick's parade or something.
But there are some chics who shocked me.These two gals were clubbing wearing their bra,undies,glitter and some gold body paint.They were a couple of feet away from us but I hadn't noticed till I saw people milling around that area so I took a look.First thing that came to mind was how they got in dressed or rather undressed like that?I think they must have come in wearing overcoats or something.If they were trying to make a statement, what was it?I know that dressing is a form of self expression but I am at odds to know what the deal was with them.
I remember a long time back when women were not so explicit in their dressing.Nowadays so little is left to the imagination.I remember in uni the gals who got the most attention from guys were those who usually dressed prim and proper (no not like school marms) when during dinners or so they would unleash the little black dress.This was because they showed a sexiness to them that people had never seen so guys were left wanting more.But when on the other hand you always have your chest and ass hanging out, we get tired of seeing the good real fast and they lose long term value (but they still rock for quick thrills!).Come to think of it, girls please tell me this; does your chest feel the cold when you walk around with half your cleavage hanging out?I once was bored (dont ask me how this came to mind) and I decided to walk around with my top 3 shirt buttons open ala 70's style.It just felt windy and kind of uncomfortable.Or does cleavage generate heat?Same thing goes for the legs and thighs, I have been to Carni and seen chics in minis while I have been freezing in my jeans and sweatshirt.In fact I have come up with this theory; the amount of womens' flesh covered by clothing in a club is inversely porpotional to the amount of mens' flesh covered by clothing in a club.
btw:Why oh why oh why do some gals still insist on looking for boyfriends in clubs?I'm not saying that you won't find some good men in the club, but the thing is that most men go to the club to drink,hang out and get laid not to look for wifeys.Plus many of the men with focus and drive (like me!) don't go to clubs often.
on the way to the comments section i saw " ... and I decided to walk around with my top 3 shirt buttons open ala 70's style." lol! dude, what were you thinking? i shal be back to comment on the rest
@ spicebear
I wanted to see how ya'll feel when you have half your chests hanging out for all to see!I'll be waiting!
i think in the reverse i.e those dudes who walk around with baggy pants sagged all the way to their knees and sijui a do-rag, marvin and hat all at the same time and so on and so forth. and tags/shiny things still on your hat like it's still in the shop? tacky, tacky, tacky!
as for girls who dress like that, i guess its the attention factor for those who go to the extreme but most just do not know the difference between sexy and ... just wrong i guess.
excuses excuses. an open shirt? lol x100. so what was your conclusion?
acolyte you have won ,jamaa you are too funny! but am not digin your comment on chicks looking in the clubs coz chicks read this stuff and when they want to settle down they flock to church(unfortunately you dont have that problem)for the wrong reasons its shameless yani coz you dont jua who is for real.i have seen all sorts of agendas in clubs ,church mpaka i only take women at face value in bookshops(barnes and nobles)
LOL.... Aco... u r my hero officially...
about meeting potential husbands in the club....My mum always said... meet him in the club, leave him in the club.......
@ spice bear.... I could not concur more with you about the tackiness of the "gangsta" look..... Get it off my face fool!
Abt not feeling cold... There is a saying... AND the loose translation goes something like "He/She who wants beauty must persevere"...... So I guess to them they are beautiful/working it and hence they will persevere the baridis.....
@ spicebear
you are on point on that one most def!But as for the open shirt I had to see how it feel, what I learned is that the titties generate more heat then chest muscle.
@ joe
my guy!I used to meet mamas I used to club with in church!When chics started gold digging in church I realised things were narrow!
@ movie buff
I feel your mama!What happens in the club stays in the club!As for chics freeze and shine seems to be the thing!
Wewe Aco wacha
You might convince some chicks to stop displaying de eye-candy some of us thrive on!!!!
Kwanza there are some low cut jeans mamaz wear nowadays wah wah wah - msuri msuri sana tena sana
Oh ya
Yaay! Am no longer missing!
Si you post a foto of you bila top three shirt buttons tuone... You may start a KBW fashion trend!! LOLOLOL
@ Aco so where are chicks supposed to look for men with focus and drive as boyfriends?
Go Go Go Aco unleash the six packs for KBW (50 cent).. will that be pleasant ladies...
True dont think that any relationship of okotaring at clubs can be anything except a booze r/ship.
Mama says that kathing you calling a karelationship will break just like that bottle which felled off that table next to u when u met in the club.
@ milo
That eye candy has been displayed mpaka it has lost ladha.As for the Aco kifua that is for paying customers only.
@ kenyangal
I had a long list of those places but I cant find it but here's a couple bookshops,cofee shops,poetry bars,art galleries,theatre,live concerts,parks,zoos.In such places the pretence is less and you get to see people in their natural habitat.
@ Nakeel
This is a family friendly blog so no gratuitous bootie up in here!But your mummy was very right, storos of the clubs dont go far!
Aco you just reminded me of my fav show in VH1 "I Love The 70's".
Now tell me, when you had the '3 shirt buttons open' did you also happen to be sporting an afro(with the afro comb attached),flared pants (belly bottom)and some ngolovas?! My mind is conjuring up images that are making burst out in hysterical laughter.
@ kelitu
I love that show too!I have the mini afro but no afro comb,flared jeans,ngolovas and flared shirt to go with it!
I think bookshops are NOT the plac to met people. When was the last time you heard a married couple say they met at a bookshop? (maybe i am so vehement because i have tried it and it DOES NOT work)
@ kenyangal
Well depends on what bookstores you go to coz adult bookstores arent the best places to be meeting people!What I can say first is seek ye first the kingdom of books and all other things shall be added unto you.If you go to the bookshop just to meet men things wont pan out but if you go just to cruise titles you like and buy a book once in a while you will be surprised what drops in your lap!
LOL @ Adult bookstores LOL
What a funny post! I think chics dress explicitly coz it's fashionable to look slutty, but it's gotten extreme. Most times, they'll sacrifice comfort and warmth for attention--and that is f*d up! Sometimes they're hoping you'll offer your jacket or sweatshirt (hint, hint). Why someone would be hunting for a husband in a club is beyond me. I think even going to church only to look for a guy is pretentious.
ni attention seeking...kwanza when they start shankin' their goodies when a bunch of jamaaz are definately looking at them and most of the time for all the wrong reasons.....eewww, eeewww, eeewwww!
@ milo
@ girl next door
It's a sad day when women feel that they have to dress like whores to get attention.As for going undercover in churches I think that all that is done in the dark will be seen in the light for what it is.
@ mocha
Nuthin wrong with shaking your bootie but when it's with a hidden agenda now thats just wrong!
You may meet a good person in a library not an adult bookshop.
"Smartness is a sweater" explanation for those nekkid girls in cold weather.
Aco how much do we need to pay for this photo?
"..they lose long term value (but they still rock for quick thrills!)" LOL!!
Lakini LMAO @Joe. Woiye sorry!!! And kwani what makes chicks in bookshops more genuine??
LOL @ that adult bookstore story!!
Since I started clubbing I'm always that lone chile with sweater/jacket (unless the clubbing was unplanned). I always look at mamas in shock like kwani your skin is crocodile hide, why ain't you cold? Man the only explanation is those mamas are aliens!
@ prou
I hear that it's called "freeze and shine" as for pics there are going to be none forthcoming in the near future.
@ Ms K
I think what makes a chic in a bookshop more genuine is that more often then not what took here their is books and not men, plus she likes to read meaning there is more to her then the clubs!I think those chics you look at strangely have reached the next stage on consciousness that allows them to generate heat!
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