Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Chapos online, new colleague, comment bash and foreign bodies

Courtesy of Msanii I got hold of this site.When I saw the url I thought it was a joke but it seems it's for real!I wonder if they give free samples?Hmmmmmmmmm.Next time I am in the big city I should find out.What's next?www.muturaonline.com? You have to give it to Kenyans.Isn't that site just an evolution of those mathees who used to be invited to weddings to cook?I can see Devious One beginning www.ujionline.com , fermented porridge straight to your door!

Some pretty chics came here to interview for an open office position.There was a mature grad student among the 3.I do hope that she is chosen!I would like someone to discuss grad school and the challenges it brings over a cold drink.........

I would like to thank all the people who commented on yesterday's post.I ended up spending extra time at work interacting with ya'll and the staff thought I was working my ass off so early during the semester.If they only knew!And to spice things up we even now have a troll in the house!

During the picnic we had at the lake for the international students I observed something interesting. Other then one Nigerian mama who has piled on the pounds (too much Mcfoofoo?) all the other international students are at an acceptable weight for their height, and some are also pretty athletic too. But now that school is going to be back in session I can look forward to seeing the human blimps once again! Damn!Do these people like how their bodies look when they are naked in front of a mirror?I mean when you look like you are pregnant when you aren't there's a problem!It's even worse when you are a man!Anyway have to make sure I go to the gym today to do some preventive excercise!

Not an overweight body in sight!


Anonymous said...

me fao...wacha i go check the site out and read !

Anonymous said...

Aco isnt that U on the left facing the lake, ocean, sea, river...big big stream or whachamacall it ??

Anonymous said...

NGOMONGO WEWE D1....booking second/third place

Anonymous said...

LOL LMAO @Mcfoofoo!!!

Aco you are crazy.

I think I will apply for a job on that chapo site and be their UK rep. Au?

Wacha I go home before I am green with envy about how your blog is turning out to be a mini forum.

Something should be done.

Anonymous said...

*sticking tongue out at licious, arms akimbo as well !!*

Anonymous said...

@ Devious One
Bar me falling into a vat of bleach, that sure aint me!
@ Mocha
You snooze, you lose!

Anonymous said...

FITINA NI WEWE NA VIDOLE ZAKO....abeshe!!! LOL (remember that one)

Seriously....off home!!! Catch up with you when I fika diggs!!!

Anonymous said...

One more thing before I go....that is not Aco D1. That I can testify!!!

Anonymous said...

yes yes Aco..thx for plugging my upcoming site...I will be selling porridge..mutura products will be intro'd this comning fall and also things like tosti bandia...mayai karanga, ukhari na ritako y\rya mpuzi....

Anonymous said...

its him...tahst the end result aftre buying Ambi by the boxes !

Anonymous said...

just for the record...am not the troll. thanks for the eye opener on how to get those beloved chapos and ndaos...yet again we kenyans are proving to be quite an enterprising lot! now... an idea i've toyed around since i read about how you plan to beat nation at their game...once you get afew peeps to team up with for a subscription, some of us or at least I would not mind paying you a small fee for reading rights...say 2 bucks? you'll sure make a small fortune and I'll get to read from home again...i promise to buy the reading rights

Anonymous said...

@ Anon.....are U sure U is not the troll ??

I like Ur disclaimer., U came waiving the white flag high and mighty hahhahaha

CiikuMrsBabes said...

I am busy working while D1 is busy refreshing the damn aggregator? Damn shame!!!! Ama its inside info from ACO?? eh? eh?

Anonymous said...

*aiming my fea at Buff * WHACK ! Thats the sound when the stone gongas Buffs noggin ...

More to come when I see U face to face !

Acolyte said...

@ Mocha
Fast foo foo equals Mcfoofoo!Ebu holla when you get home!Well when KBW perks up the traffic shall leave my blog!
@ devious one
I try to promote small biz whenever I can!But I don't do Ambi!
@ anonymous
Yes Kenyans are known for always searching for a way to make a buck!As for the Nation thingie, I am still searching for a few more people; when I get the required number I will holla at you about reading rights!
@ movie buff
While some people work others work and g-mail chat!So they know when something's in the pipeline!

Anonymous said...

*aiming my fea at Buff * WHACK ! Thats the sound when the stone gongas Buffs noggin ...

More to come when I see U face to face !

Acolyte said...

@ devious one
Seems we got beef!I have an inflatable pool here, can I fill it with mud and give you two white tees and gym shorts?

Msanii_XL said...

Aco are you sure you didn't park that domain?

Acolyte said...

@ msanii
I am innocent!Completely innocent!

CiikuMrsBabes said...

D1... I feel the love... I FEEL THE LOVE!!!!!

Aco... u so silly!

Acolyte said...

@ Movie Buff
I aim to spread peace and love in all ways!

egm said...

First there's the competition to wash Archer and now there's a mud-wrestling match? Things are getting interesting.

I need to get me a ringside seat.

Back to that grass-cutting. Oh, D1, I shall gladly fyeka your nyasi. Just line up that fermented uji for me...

Acolyte said...

Things sure can get steamy here!
Do you have a slasher?I havent seen one of those in a long time!

Acolyte said...

Gone to the GYM.Be Good while I'm gone!

Anonymous said...

@ the devious one, being anon doesn't make me the troll,ok?! you are ruffling the wrong feathers here and i'll not degrade myself in cheap banter, i also happen to be aggrieved by the BS i read from whats his name... i just like aco's blog and giving my 2 cents...enuff said. BTW Aco...your blog is great barring some of the vermin it also attracts

Spidey/Tato said...

@everyone hi all boy am i late today shaite!

@egm:hoooray on the picha but y'all need to see hanyees its off the hoook


I am officially starting a protest we need to see aco's picha..if not we boycot his blog

that said...unleash hiyo picha stat!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon when I asked U that it was not to ruffle any feathers and Im not hunting for cheap banter either ...take it easy .

@ Nick, now ure fikainwhen the sun is settling down and we're getting ready to zima the taa and sleep ?? whats your excuse for youre tardiness >>'

And I ask this with all the niceness in the world lest U think I come bearing a black flag drenched with cheap banter innuendos !

Anonymous said...

@ Egm...I already have the chilled fermented uji waiting for U in the hao....and no cheating by bringin a John Deere lawn mower....slasher it is !! Oh and U have to be shirtless too.....

Mud wrestling match is still on...EGM will be the ref...NICK will make a movie out of it aaaaand then rate it.. Aco will then will whip up a post about it !

Spidey/Tato said...

of course devious one operative word bein DEVIOUS

so where has everyone gone too akina egma nd archer mocha choca latta?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous
Thanks for the kudos, it is always good to get some support.Now don't let the anon tag get you into trouble just make up another identity!
@ Nick
Ebu pass that pic round we see!I think you have seen too many bodyparts of mine already to see a face!
@ Devious One
I see you have carved a small ka-audience for yourself on this post!As for the wrestling match, just tell me when it's on (after the garden is done I guess) and I'll be there ready to blog!

Anonymous said...

@ Nick
I guess it's bedtime in some part of the world right now and that's why we have less of a group now.

Spidey/Tato said...

uve lengad that vibe...or wait a minute this is the boycot

CiikuMrsBabes said...

Before I visit the A, I have to clear out my desk. Proving to be a task otherwise I would have joined in your little banter.

Soul mate... hata salamu?? NO wega!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Nick
Do you work for the KRA?I didnt pay tax before I left?Therefore it is imperative I remain unknown!
@ Movie Buff
Safisha dawati!Harakisha!

walk said...

Aco-da-celeb- dude i am almost tempted to ask for an autograph.120 plus hits on the comments .droves of women wanting a piece .congrats.keep it real.
ps where is dshy now and her theories we are the same person.and could you clarify that the old timers were rounded up by michuki at a meet up

Spidey/Tato said...

@M Buff:where are my manners? How u doin ma'am...

have fun in ATL u lucky woman..think of no one else but ur tato!

@aco:u will wihs i worked for the KRA just u wait

Spidey/Tato said...

@joseph:which old timers am still here energetic and vibrant

Anonymous said...

@ Joe
Celeb my ass!Most of those comments were just sheer banter but i'm still miffed that my blog was chosen as a lounge point!
Yes this would be a good time for D-shy to show herself and learn the truth.
Until the old timers return I am going to be very wary about new faces!

Anonymous said...

@ nick
Since you havent posted how do we know that's the real nick and not one of Michuki's minions?
Gone for an afternoon nap.Be back in 1.5 hours.Be good!

Anonymous said...

@ Nick...yessss. operative word being DEVIOUS...so with that in mind...lights....camera and ACTION !

Anonymous said...

@ Nick...yessss. operative word being DEVIOUS...so with that in mind...lights....camera and ACTION !

@ Aco whos prolly drooling in his pillow ama some mamas bossom by now...which audience i ask....

egm said...

@D1... Aiee, you know my game. I had just purchased the latest John Deere, complete with GPS and laser systems to hakikisha the grass has been evenly cut. None of that bald spot here or outlying blade there. Makes the surface so even, when it rains the water just glides off the top of the lawn.

Lakini it looks like I'll have to stick to my slasher. Haidhuru. I will perfect the art of slashing to come up with the same results as using my ultra-modern JD.

Off to gym now to hakikisha my shirtless nyasi fyekaring has the intended effects. Then pass by CitySports and get me a zebra shirt and firimbi.

@nick, yaani you can boost up my comment count give my picture props on my blog? Sawa tu! :) Thanks nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

@ EGM..loooooooooooool firmbi I have so dont buy one...zebra shirt , Ure on ur own...oh and one mroe thing...please do et matchin chupis to complete the picture !!

Ati JD with GPS...i see that coming to be ..seeing as vacuum cleaners have lights !

egm said...

@D1 In this day and age when the fridge will toa mushene on you by calling your local supermarket and ordering all manner of crazy foods that only you eat (yup, those ones you don't want even yourself to know!) then send you sms ati to go pick them up on your way home from work, and when you fika there the store clerk gives you this wierd look, knowing what is in your bag... Hii mambo ya teknolojia!

At times those days of getting up and turning that knob on the tv to change channels and hoping you get good picture seem like such stress free periods! At least your tv wouldn't unleash your viewing habits to the local video store anytime it sensed you needed to restock on your collection!

Anonymous said...

xqkwanza juzi I had misplaced my remote...not that the TV is a mile away..but U shoulda seen me acting like my life had come to an end....

Anonymous said...

Porojo also has it that the endemic loss of jobos by bloggers was instigated after a clash with a pro gover blogger who pulled strings to have bloggers who thought they were beyond reach fired.some bloggers still dont know what hit them.

egm said...

Haha! Pole D1. I stopped watching the tube eons ago. When it got to the point where it controlled my life, I knew something had to give. Siku hizi I just watch movies if any interesting ones are showing. And on HBO or some channel like that bila commercials. If after flipping through once I see nothing interesting, I just switch it off and go do other things (like work in the EGM Raborotari!). I have totally lost interest in tv. As to why I have HBO? Well, I have room mates that watch tv and have the premium package, thus HBO. Otherwise if I was by myself, I would be bila that contraption.

@RM... I guess I should heave a sigh of relief for now that I don't have to worry about said PGBs!

Archer said...

ge fest up in there?) EGM buys a slasher, Groupie #1 & Naughty Nurse still fighting over my kiwete ass & Nick still begging 4 traffic! Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier? 

egm said...

Ah, Archer, welcome to the party! We figured that kiwete thutha of yours needed recuperative sleep more than this here festive mood.

Hiyo slasher I was told to use to slit my throat yaani (thanks to anon troll). Lakini seeing as I am not a masochist, I have decided it shall be put to good use fyekaring nyasi.

CiikuMrsBabes said...

Archer dear.... I have had one LONG day. If I was not on vacation kesho, I would surely be burnt out......

But 25 more minutes and I am out of this dump!!!!!

EGM... how was Boston Market??? I was too lazy to go myself...... ha ha....

Nick love, ati u r energetic and what??? LMAO....

Adrian said...

eeh eeh - chapos online! now that would me kind of thing. and dengu to go with the chapos...

Archer said...

Unafyeka nyasi ama you're trying to steal my thunder? (read Devious)

egm said...

@MB Haha, that makes two of us. Once I ingiad that house I did not see how I was going out again. And since there was no BM on my way home, it meant having to leave! Leo I just might summon strength to venture there. Nitakuelezea kesho.

@Archer, poa bruh! :) D1 enlisted my nyasi fyekaring services. Well, that and also offered me a position as ref. How could I turn that down? :) Usilale sana kesho!

Archer said...

Hey Groupie #1! Pole sana about your burn out. How you been otherwise?
That chaposonline site cracked me up! I'm sure the owner will be a millionaire in no time!

Archer said...

@EGM: do you remember that fellow who fyekad his entire family of 9 with a slasher 3 or 4 years ago? His name was Mukhovero. I'll have you know that he just happens to be my distant relative! Warning!!

egm said...

@Archer Warning heeded! I'll make sure to come in combat gear for my task!

Anonymous said...

what happen to the mama u where dating?

Anonymous said...

@ Devious One
I see you have decided to run this house and even have two peeps bout over you!
@ movie buff
I see the saga continues with hard work!
Damn you're late son!Mukhobero was harsh!A hard mundu!
@ Nick
Whats this?!Ati I'm off drooling!Jichunge!You will drool when I am done with you!
@ rumormonger
A nice rumor if I say so myself but the ironic thing is that the most anti-government blogger still has his job!
@ anonymous
The mama is still alive and well!In fact I am going to blog about her kesho!

Archer said...

@Aco: sup man!
The first part of my first comment (which got swallowed) was:
lateness doesn't even begin to describe today! I snooze kidogo & Aco posts pics of semi-naked men (kuwa siriyass daddy!Kwani its a sausage fest up in there?)...

Anonymous said...

@ Archer
I think your eyes have slid past the main object of the pic!The chic in the lower part of the frame.But more dudes then chics swam.You know how women are about these things.....

Anonymous said...

I can see Devious One is back to flapping her gums!Mami needs to get a real job!Yes it's me, the real troll!

Half 'n' half said...

I came to post a comment about the paunchless foreign students and the foo foo eating one but it seems I have been overtaken by events so am off to look for anon!!!!!!!!! Both of them, the evil twin (i.e the Troll) and the seemingly nice one.

Aco anza kulipisha

Kenyanchick said...

Aco, in your honour - and in honour of all you displaced Kenyans - I decided to have Kenchic for lunch. I'm eating it as we speak (it's from an 'upscale' outlet: the kuku is wrapped in foolscap, not gazeti). The chipos are fat and soggy, and the peptang tomato sauce is watery and tasteless.

You can thank me later.

Kenyanchick said...

DAMN it's good.

OK. I'll stop now.

Anonymous said...

@ half n half
With the msoto I am experiencing I should consider charging!
If you find them, let me know!
@ Kenyanchick
Being as it was that I was in Kenya just one year ago, the taste is still fresh in my mouth.The peeps you should be laughing at are people like Devious, EGM and movie buff!

Anonymous said...

And a goodmorning people...its Thursday...one more day before my official Happy Hour...

@ Aco...theres no bout over me...we came up with a schedule that works well for me, kiwete thuthas aka Archer and Raborotari Genius aka EGM !!

So the only thing we're waiting for is when Nick can bring his Polaroid camera and snap away the peaceful grass cutting co-existence that we shall be living in !

Someone is clearly on war path with me her but I choose my battls wisely and I choose not to poke back when poked ...

Anonymous said...

@ Devious One
Forget about the evil anonymous!
Good to see that you came up with a working schedule!
Ya'll be good when I'm gone!
Off to class!

egm said...


I will have to upstage you on that one. I had some super yummy kuku uchi January 8th 2006 to be precise. From the Moi Avenue Kenchic. So there! :)

Jana I couldn't take it any more, so I fikad a Boston Market and ordered kuku nusu and some mashed potats and spinach. Not forgetting the corn bread. Na lemonade to wash it down. I just fungad my eyes and imagined I was eating Kenchic. Not the same, I tell you!

@D1 I like your peace keeping efforts. I can work with that schedule!

@KC Soon and very soon...

Anonymous said...

am right here...and no am not the evil twin!... so you want me to pay up now? i was sooo right about how enterprising we kenyans are... someone just hatched another kenyan get-rich-quick plot ...give me today's news first before we discuss payments.

Acolyte said...

@ egm
I guess your kuku memory is fresher than mine then!
For me there is no Boston Market substitute so it's upishi nyumbani that has to do!
@ anonymous
Im still rounding up donors.Please give me the 4-1-1 about the latest scheme!