The song also reminds me sometime in Kenya when every young dude wanted to become a DJ and even chics were getting into the mix.Homeboyz must have made a ton of cash with their school at the peak of the craze.I don't know how things are looking right now in that area. I don't know if I blogged about this but I had a pal who was a DJ and on the slow nights what he would do was he would play a continous CD that he had already compiled and come out of his booth to mingle, he would also do the same if he saw a pal of his appear with a stunning chic (I guess he was the kind of DJ who was the subject of the song?). Rest assured were the joint a bit high class he wouldn't have been able to get away with that.I do remember the stigma the DJ job track had for quite some time, it was seen as a job for droupouts. I wonder if that has changed, despite the increase in high profile DJs in Kenya.
I don't know if it is a nostalgia or age thing but I have noticed myself listening to more and more soul as time goes back.I listen to The Jam on Capital because they do play some very good soul (mboff presenters aside!) and watch lots of VH1 soul.But that doesn't mean that I don't rock MTV, MTV2 and MTV Jams. I mean I enjoy nostalgia but I am not going to sit around remembering the good old days, if I did that full time I would never turn on the radio, tv, go to the movies, date, have kids, eat and do a host of other because things in many seemed better in the past than now. But we also forget the ability of the human mind to block out the undesirable parts of the past.Nostalgia does rock but don't forget you're living in the present! But that doesn't mean that I won't be flashing back once in a while seeing as by the time Nick does a flashback post we'll all have arthritis and won't be able to remember what we're flashing back about in the first place!
People often say that when women get married they let themselves go or refuse to give it up as much as they used to.This article I was reading pointed out that women's libido lowers after they get married. According to the researchers, once women are assured of a mate their libido tapers off.Of course their may be exterior factors at work too like having kids and running a home but I think this theory still has some truth to it.
Thanks to my exbabymamahomieloverfriend, I found out that KBW has gotten a nomination in the best blog community category of the 2006 Black Weblog Awards. We are going to be getting lots of visitor so it's time to take off the plastic covers off the couch, sweep the house and put those chapatis on the stove!Let's just say that I am going to pull out my best content for the next one week or so!Don't forget to do your duty and go rock the vote!
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago
It is nostalgia. Jana I was browsing through some music at a shop here, and it took me back in the day. It brings back good memories
Didnt know music shops here also sold old stuff.I thot they were packed with the latest hits!
I was actually looking for a Kenny Rogers CD, and they had one that has 42 of his hits. Ah, that took me way back to kina sun-downer (kumbuka that show?). Just like you jana, a Stephanie here must have thought I had lost it.
egm U is a Kenny Rogers fan too hahahha
I have his greatest hits and people at jobo are amazed I listen to country ...and even more so when they see that I know the words to the song and \even when theres a pause from the banjo playin in the background.
theres a store I came across here in my side of town where they sell akina kamaru, mwomboko, Jim reeves, the works !
I do remember Kenny Rogers quite well!His songs were classics!
I do remember sun downer,ah the good old KBC/VOK days!
@ Devious One
Seems Kenny Rogers has touched us all!By the way I have an MP3 with mwomboko somewhere gathering dust!
@ Aco...ahem... u know where to send the zikis please...
D1, I haven't skilizad his ziki in a while. So after reading some posts on here about him, I decided to seek him out. Leo after work I'll go get that CD, and kesho it will be on the hard disk hapa kazini for maximum mwenjoyo.
@ devious one
Ngoja I turn the digs upside down, so don't hold your breath!
@ EGM Im sure U will have maximum mwenjoyo !
check his site out on can listen to his latest songs
Now who has Don Williams ama Charlie Pride up in here ??
Ebu post on how good ole Kenny touched your life and the moments you associate with his music!
@ devious one
Ati Kenny Rogers is on my space?!Damn that's tight!The other peeps are most prob pushing up daisies!
@D1, Yaani as kids, one time tukapata new stereo. Si obvious we need music to cheza on it? Wacha mathee nunuas Charlie Pride. You should have seen the daggers we gave her. At nini hii? And now I would give anything to get his music! Ah, how times change and we become our parents!
I do recall blogging about how we become our parents some time back, ironic!
LOOOOOOOOOOL so true coz Im now a big ABBA's fan ( know all their songs back to back ) and yet when I was younger I used to frown on mathes tastes and look at her like she was from ana planet...funny how tables turn around.
back in the day before cd's I remmeber my buddy had a much sought after coveted Snoops's tape and he was blastin in \their tenje and sisnt hear the mathe ingia the hao...the Bible thumping mama almost had a cardiac arrest on hearing words likebitches hoes n shit coming from her boombox and to his sheer horror..the woman removed the tape and stomped ( the devil perhaps ?? ) out of it !!
Now dud e is bila zikis... theres a fuming mathe in the hao and taoe was nt hsi.....the dilemma he wa sin !
Soul music does things to you bwana :-) Hmmm...let my mind not wander off! Good to know that there are other kennyR fans lol.
@D1 Ah, ABBA! We had a VHS tape with kadhaa of their music videos. I think that's where I got my love for them. Had I not seen the videos, I would probably not have liked their music at that time. I agree...
Money money money, must be money, in a rich man's world!
Pole tu that guy. Has he recovered from that traumatic experience?
@aco genetics is a mutha!
@chatterly tuko wengi. Not just KR, but good solid meaningful, rich, vibrant old music.
off to lunch...laters peeps
mmmm mmmm late again!
Hey folks. Speaking of old school, someone stole my ABBA Gold cd early this year and that was just one of the only two original cds that I own. Also jacked my James Bond soundtracks cd! I won't even mention the Boney M More Gold cd.
@Archer I guess I'll have to guard very well my copy of ABBA Gold. I need to get a James Bond soundtrack and Boney M CD.
@Nick pary ilianza kitambo. But this here reveler has to go take care of bidness and will be back lata.
ABBA rocked..mmm mmm pole archer be strong
-take a chance
-gimme gimme gimme
@aco-y u wanna act like that u know we be-sijawahi-FLASHBACK GURU WILL BE BACK
atlantic stars?
@ devious one
Doggystyle rocked!That boy musta been in some trouble!
@ chatterly
Good to have you here!Soul rocks big time!
@ egm
Abba are truly unforgettable, always imitated but never duplicated!
@ Archer
Speaking as someone who owns very few original cds, I feel your pain!
@ Nick
I see you are back hating!Well drink up that haterade coz there's a new Flashback King in town!
@Nick: Knowing me, knowing you- there's a find ass pointie pal of mine whose voice reminds me of that track. Its a pity she's saved. Damn. Its also a pity that most of my pals don't feel oldies (though they jack my cds undercover. Such hypocrites) so I can't get copies anywhere.
@ Nick....lay off the piriton ! nini hii mambo ya tardiness ??
Boney M daaayuuum ! had forgotten all of that
Atlantic Stars auuuuuuu I remember when they used to cheza them on Late date and I used to lala shikiliain my karadio in a 39 ( yes 39 ) degree angle so I can shika KBC sawa !!!!
All I want to know who has any of this music with them ? besdies Abba and Kenny Rogers ??
I happen to have with me some
Sam Fan Thomas, Les Wanyika....etc...
@ Archer
Salvation has never been an obstacle for some people.You need to lock up your cds!
@ Devious One
Nick's old age medication makes him a tad bit tardy.
I do remember late date too!
I have those tracks too!
@ devious
be nice and i'll send you whatever oldies music i have - if you'll send me les wanyika.
Abba was the only thing we could all agree on to listen over christmas cos the thought of switching on the radio or tv and hearing "deck the halls with boughs of holly falalala blah blah blah" was traumatising. my mother also has the best of bonnie m dvd that she would play around christmas time at full blast!
@ me ...was going to email u but i dont see ur contact info in ur homepage
Talking of Boney M, I kumbuka the day I chekad so hard after old man told me of the shenanigans he got into just so he could attend their concert when they played in Kenya. Yaani right this sekunde I am so jealous he got to see them live!
@aco: enuff wit the hateration...cant we all just get along
@archer:kwana that part of knowing me knowing u-AH HAH..this time we're thru i have to go...breakin up is never easy i know but i have to go...
be strong unleash ur email i'll be emailin u them songs one ata go...hahahah
@D1:hata wewe i can email u atlantic stars
i love 'secret lovers" coz they both be doin wrong
"here we are the 2 of us together....we both know that we should not b together coz if we;re found out it coz mess up both our happy homes....
secret lovers thats what we are...we both belong to someone else
damn that song rocks!
@ spicebear
Good to see that you now have an oldies hook up!gotta love ABBA!
Seems that our strict folks used to act the fool too!I bet you'll have your own storos to tell your kids.
@ Nick
You ain't see true hateration!Besides I'm the one who gets hated on by the mortals!
Seems peeps want to start an oldies swap meet up in here!
whoops pole bout that devious - its spicebATgmailDOTcom. have your request forms ready and some ribena cos me i miss that stuff and i can't find it anywhere.
bonnie m live in kenya? i need to ask my mother about that story! and to think we will tell our children only akina sean paul and lost boys came to town, tsk tsk!
@ spicebear
I dont know why all the hype about Ribena.Kenchic I can understand but I wouldnt pay $6 for a bottle of Ribena.
I'm sure we'll find new stories to tell our kids.
@ aco
i know what you mean. and the 6 bucks is minus shipping mind you. but anyone who wants to send me some cos i am a ribena fan, ebu hit me up viaemail - i will be eternally grateful!
(old vibe)... why do women put on weight after they're married? A single chick looks at her fridge and goes to who's sleeping in her bed. A married woman looks at her bed, and goes to her fridge... it's all about the fridge baby... not libido. And yes!!! vote for KBW and Abaa rocked!!!!
@ Nick...I bat my eyerinds shameressry at you...ahem..prease..atrantic stars
@ Spice...jus sent u an email from my gmail
@ Egm..Boney M in kenya ? dayum have to ask mathe bout that one coz she was a big fan of theirs
eeehhh...egm!!! Thanks for changing the trend hapo juu!!! D1, I still gat mad love for you though.
And in at number....eeiiisshhh!!! All the way in a diggs somewhere in the UK....
Now, that tune does have a catchy beat...but I honestly dont like it.
As for married women and low libidos......I will get back at you on that one.
Aco, that Dj vibe, I felt like it was deja vu when I read it. I am sure you spoke about it in another post sometime back. If not, I think I might be losing it.
As for soul know when you are getting old when you start appreciating the genre you grew up with, even more than you did then. Ni maoni yangu tuu!!! LOL!!!
Off to piga kura that 'matters' and then have some dinner.
Later y'all!!!
Just once, I'd like to see a study that tracks male libidos also... I'm sure they'd find libidos of married folk (and not just married women) taper off... maybe age has something to do with it?
(blush) just read the article... in response to "men's sexual desire remains just as strong regardless of how long they have been with their partner"... I'd love to meet this guy!
@ Mocha!
Good to hear from you!Ebu stop being a hater!Boring video aside that song is tight!
I think it is memories that makes us love old school sounds.Vote KBW!
@ Rista
I am sure that a study has been found but I dont know if it got exposure.I think there are loads of factors in the issue.
Gone to class and nap!
Not at the same time....
which rumours are these ati a womans libido tapers off? shes just tired y'all. a womans peak is in her 30's and forties thats why they like their "friends" young
I'm back. That would explain why women somehow get fat after they get married! Apart from zaaing toiz ovyo.
@Nick: si u fanya like that!
kwani peeps still be discussing Kenchic and Ribena?
@ spicebear
I think that whole libido issue is a personal thing, I dont think it goes up for all 30-40 year old mamas.
@ Archer
I guess women feel that if you have your man it's okay to stop putting out and start stuffing it in.
Yes there are some peeps here who are still stuck in flashback mode.
Soul music is so relaxing. I just read that article about married women having a low libido. I'm sure circumstances have a lot to do with it: stress, hormones, kids, and less personal time. Plus I've heard women hit their sexual peak in their 30s.
It's great that KBW was nominated for an award, I just voted last night.
I voted for KBW awards as soon as i heard about them.
Its funny that song..dame wangu amemnoki DJ! Though shallow it is.
About women, its true,lose libido coz of juggling activities. And of course THEIR MEN NO LONGER GIVE THEM ENOUGH LOVE AND TLC YOU KNOW!!!
@ Girl Next Door
Good thing you voted, I am sure if we all do KBW stands a chance.Circumstances aside some women just feel that they no longer have to give it out as the now have nothing to lose.
@ Shiroh
Every vote counts!I do guess there are some women who dont get TLC but there are those who do but still choose to close the gates.
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