Do any of you remember in high school during litreature classes when there was group discussion and people were asked what you thought and had picked from the book and you would give your base thought ie it was a tragedy and I felt character X represented habit Y, then some dude in the front of the class would then give his view ie I felt that this tale was a satire about the state of societies at diff times and the mood swings of character X reflected the pendulous nature of the situations we find ourselves in blah blah blah blah, or if you were a church goer during those meetings where people where people were asked what God has done in your life and you would say "i am happy that God has kept me healthy," then someone else would check in and they would be like "As for me I have managed to notice God in every little thing in my life.Like in the wind that blows in my hair,the way my cat walks,the rain that falls and gives us food to eat and in every single thing that I do; this would be said with enough passion to make the heathens their consider salvation and make you feel like you have said jack!
Well I feel the same way about this blog at times.There are blogs such as those of poi deep poetry, Irena, prousetteand mutumia with their insight,afromusing with her well informed views on current affairs,msaniixl where I can get info on african hip-hop,akiey's blog with its cultural mix even though those damn videos keep crashing my firefox browser!Last but definitely not least those two merchants of laughs nick and milo.
Sheesh I even forgot what I wanted to say.If I have not mentioned you it is because of lack of space and the fact that there are over 100kbw member and I do not read every blog.Also there are some blogs that are hardly ever updated for reasons I am not aware of and there are some that irritate the hell out of me.
Oh new thought!When you initially begin blogging you do it a certain way.Do you think comments change how you do so, so that you end up blogging more for your readers then yourself.I for one can say that I am still bloggin for me but I do not hesitate to offer more info when asked for it by readers.
Here it is what some of those blogs make me feel like the people in those examples I gave earlier as they seem to have direction and seriousness while I on the other hand am all over the place.Then I think of it this way, there is no right or wrong way of blogging at all!I think it is just as human beings we are always comparing ourselves to other people and looking to come out best.
Press Freedoms Under Threat In Kenya
5 years ago
-oh yeah those guys that make u feel dumb and ignorant...and they do it with such finese(totally oblivious) them...$%#$%#
-awww shucks u called me a merchant o flaughter and put me in the likes of milo. come here give us a hug
-u know now that u ever mentioned it. there is no way i will ever post a poem with the likes of poi and mshairi lurking around...can u say feel dumb and ignorant...and not ati am a bad poet but maybe i have already established a niche and either i would stand in comparsion or stand alone
-on the same note. i feel like in time u become more aware of ur readers and the kind of writin kinda changes or affected...Comments actually affect every blogger by the way..and those who say otherwise are looking for comments.
Blogging is interactive:its you and them, thema and you
I sometimes feel the same as you - and like 'tato up in here, you always feel that other people are putting up better stuff than you are. But you forget that the blog is yours to write whatever s$£% you want, but sometimes the comments offer encouragement that people are reading and acknowledging what you say.
Having said that, if I wrote a post and there were no comments, I would be a tad bit worried :(
Keep blogging: I may not comment on every post or every blog, but I read loads of them.
I get that way all the time. most of the posts I do are back burner type stuff/afterthoughts. It takes more courage to blog about yourself/little tid bits about whats going with you than what most people think, with that said i loves me my little niche carved blog.
besides no can make you feel anything...let alone dumb
Yea the KBW Kenyans up in here are great!If ya'll were like what I see on Kenyan forums this shop would have shut down one year earlier!!Thanks for the support all!
Sema Aco
I remember starting off my blog by deciding to write on two things:
1. my experiences in nai
2. my issues with gover
hence the blog name...
Somehow, the comments shifted my focus more to the former hihihihi
Talk about being weak!!! I actually almost gave up after successive rounds of zero comments till the likes of afro and adrian helped me out!!
Aki I'll recycle my first posts and see what comments I get!! LOLOLOLOL
I've been somaing u since u were in kenya. Please don't change ur style of writing about what's going on in ur part of the world...very appropriate blog title btw.
Ok, now unleash who irritates u...
@ teej and co.
I know you guys love controversy so what i will do is put up a poll to see whether or not i should toboa who irritates me as i don't want mashada/ style beef up in here
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